Monday, March 31, 2014

I found this old piece looking thru stuff from 10 years ago. Kept it under the rug always, never posted it. But, looking today at it I thought it's kind of fresh and direct in a way the gaming art was back in the days of first generations of photoshop; the line scanned from paper and kept on top of the color, etc. It is definitely not well painted or subtle but the character poses are good and I realize this is something I am missing from the concept art nowadays. All is photographically realistic, well painted, saturated with effects and smothered in "magical atmosphere" but, too many times the characters are very poorly drawn, poorly posed, seldom hidden behind darkness, effects or obviously based on a direct photographic source, which is good but only if you manage to pull that off for every assignment and without getting into copyright infringement. Many times it is unfortunate to discover where exactly the reference ended and the artist tried to continue the figure with obvious diminished skill. Happens a lot with perspective also. See stuff badly placed in a perfectly 3d generated environment - a pity, really!
Well, I guess it all depends on what you are looking for. So, let's not patronize no one here and get down from the evangelizing pulpit. Done writing.

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