Sunday, June 5, 2016

Saturday, June 4, 2016

A work in progress; generic male athletic type (the video game type, obviously). I found a line sketch I did a long time ago and decided to give it a spin.

Another sketch practice from photos (not mine, I collected them from the web and don't know their author's names). On the one on the right, I tried to understand the shapes under the heavy tattoos the model had on big areas of her body. I removed them all together but I cannot really compare the result with the photo… Interesting challenge, anyway.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Proposal for cover illustration.

And a few of the sketches part of the search for the composition.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

A few character sketches. These are somewhat peculiar because of a wacom drivers issue - I lost pressure sensitivity somehow and didn't have time to reinstall the drivers, so I decided to work anyways since there were meant to be only sketches. Oh, and if I remember correctly, the pressure sensitivity came back by itself…

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Another batch of life drawings from that era. At the end of last year I snapped some photos before I threw the block away. At some point you have to get rid of some of this stuff. And no, I did not throw away any masterpiece ;)

Some life drawings. I remember (I think these are at least 5-6 years old) I forced myself to use a bamboo stick with ink. So, I remember the tension, the uneasiness of having to commit to the "first" line. Still wonder why am I so scared of getting something wrong... really, life is too short for this kind of nonsense.